Who Created God?

The simple answer to the above question is that no one created God. He is, says the Bible, “everlasting” (Genesis 21:33). He is described as being “from everlasting to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2). God is without beginning or end.

If God Himself was created by someone or something, that simply leads us to another question: who or what created God’s creator? And so we could continue backwards in a never-ending succession of creators: one creator being created by another creator who was in turn created by another creator, and so on. The alternative to such an ongoing sequence is to see God as the “uncaused first cause”. In other words, all that was created was brought into being by God. But He Himself was not brought into being. He has no creator because he has always existed. One of the names applied to God in the Bible is “Yahweh”, a more accurate translation of the Hebrew word which has been commonly rendered as “Jehovah”.  The name means “I am” (Exodus 3:13-14). God is, as some have put it, the “self-existent one”. He depends upon no one else, and nothing else, for His existence. At whatever point we stand in the history of the universe, God “is”.

This is a difficult matter for us to grasp because we live in a physical universe governed by physical laws. In our experience, all physical objects, and all physical life, have a beginning and face decay until reaching some form of ending or death. According to science, all energy (and the entire universe) is ultimately destined for “heat death” when all will have reached a point of equilibrium or “rest”. (That may be the scientific forecast but the Bible indicates that God is to intervene before that point.)

God, however, exists outside this physical realm. This should not be regarded as impossible. Even physics speaks of an existence other than our present one. Modern science declares that time, space, gravitation and matter are all interconnected. Where there is no matter or energy, there is no time. A spiritual God dwelling in a spiritual realm is timeless. Questions of God’s origin become irrelevant. God, as has already been stated, simply “is”. That has always been the case and will always remain so.

Some deny the need for an eternal Creator by arguing that the universe sprang into being out of nothing. There is talk of “fluctuations” occurring in a “quantum field”. But what, precisely, is a quantum “field” and what is it that “fluctuates”? What enabled the “field” to arise? Does sufficient energy for an entire universe simply “pop into being”? And even if theories lay claim to such possibilities, how did random energy lead to the well-ordered universe which now exists?

The concept of an eternal God is not simply an intellectual issue relating to philosophy, doctrine or theology. It has practical relevance. The God who brought Jesus into the world was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, men who had died many centuries earlier (Acts 3:13). The God who existed in the first century A.D. existed in 2000 B.C. and continues to exist in A.D.2012. There was never a time, and never will be a time, when God does not exist. There is no human problem which He has not previously encountered. There is no future promise which He will not be there to fulfil. The God who was there to help in the past is still there now and always will be. His eternal existence is an assurance of His eternal presence. He will always be there for us. Nations and empires rise and fall. Rulers come and go. Stars, planets and entire galaxies may decay. But our eternal God will always be there. Time is no restraint for Him.